If the scriptMap parameter is set to true, javAPRS will attempt to call the
following JavaScript method:
function getMapURL(screencenterlat, screencenterlon, toplat, leftlon,
bottomlat, rightlon, width, height)
which returns the URL of the GIF or JPEG (or PNG if capable) map image.
screencenterlat,screencenterlon = float values, decimal degrees, south & west
are negative
toplat,leftlon = float values, decimal degrees, south & west are negative of the
top left corner
bottomlat,rightlon = float values, decimal degrees, south & west are negative of
the bottom right corner
width,height = integer values of the dimensions of the map in pixels
NOTE: You must add MAYSCRIPT to the APPLET definition for the call to
getMapURL to work. For instance:
<APPLET code="javAPRS.class" codebase="javAPRS"
height="400" width="600" ID="javAPRS" archive="japrs.jar"